Monday, October 5, 2009

5 Questions for Leah Martin, Architect. Seattle, WA.

Describe your perfect client:
Someone who's excited about learning and is willing to
think outside of any pre-conceptions they may have had
about their home. Someone who has enthusiasm for design.
And someone who’s willing to go to a place that may have
intimidated them before the design process began.

What is your passion?
Design in all forms; built, natural, graphic, you name it.

Where are you from?
The boondocks - Canton, CT

What was your favorite job?
A new home on the east side; amazing client, rock star contractor,
complicated site, really satisfying outcome.

Tell us something no one knows about you:
I used to wear a Boston Red Sox batters helmet all day, around town
when I was little. I wanted to be the first professional chick baseball
player. Still have the helmet!

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