Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jane Richlovsky

CLICK HERE for her website!

Jane is a painter, educator and all around talented woman. I first met her as my teacher in a painting class at Pratt Fine Arts Center a few years ago. She takes old 50's and 60's fabrics and uses them as her canvas, leaving the pattern of the fabric showing in key places, like tablecloths or dresses. She is the queen of pattern painting and domestic tension. Her works are available for sale , quoting Jane" I have a show coming up at Pratt Gallery in the Tashiro Kaplan building (December 3) and I'm having a studio sale December 5... and I'm focusing on showing out of town mostly anyway these days" Well Done fine art in Seattle that is not depressing, Jane.


chris said...

these are beautiful

Anne said...

thanks chris. I thought I would add a link to her website at the top of the post. enjoy! Know any great local artists I could post about?

Rebecca said...

I just love this work.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic concept - the re-cycling concept of course, but also the way Jane pulls in the personality of the old piece into her new works - it's wonderful. ~Carol