Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glassy Babies. Georgtown Ballroom.

Lighting rule number one: There can never be too many candles.  Rule number two: You can never own too many glassy babies.

Please visit the glassy baby website  and learn how this wonderful company came to be and why they donate ten percent of their profits to cancer research and cancer patient care.-R you see the lanterns reflected in the glass? Yum.


Anonymous said...

ooooooh perty. candles are the way we are supposed to light the world, shimmery, dim ,romantic. I think people would get laid more if there were more candles and less flourescent lights.

LB said...

there is nothing like a glassybaby. the knock offs don't do it, totally worth the $40.

Carol said...

My three Glassbabies are spectacular--I move them around my house, in order to be sure I see them enough. Here's what I know: when you need/want to give a gift, nothing makes more sense than giving the beauty of a Glassbaby, and helping raise much-needed $ for cancer research/patient care. Lovely photograph Rebecca.