Lately I have been thinking about fear. Yup it's true, read on to watch me draw a crazy blog-world parallel between a front door color and fear. You know I love color and I still have a crazy fear of screwing up my front door. Guess how whimpy I am? My door is a cream color. I have been dreaming of having the balls to make it fabulous. I also have been dreaming of having the balls to do lots of other crazy things too. I am starting to get the idea that I have heard cliched over the years, you know the one "Life is not a spectator sport" It seems, in my world, there is not a lot of straying from the cozy safe spot in the middle. Well, passion is the new black. Go take what's yours this week.
Here is a link to a list of some great door color choices from House Beautiful, one of my favorite home design magazines( or better yet, ask me and I will give you a front door color, no charge. If you are far away, email your front door picture. Time for a revolution, one door at a time.
I always love a red front door.
my door is purple. not very bright though. what color, Anne?
I have been puzzling and fretting over my front door color since we got a new door--6 years!! I saw a great one on 80th between 5th and Roosevelt, on the north side of the street. A beautifully colored front door is so inviting. You want to know who lives there. l-a
I can't afford to paint my house right now, but I bet I can just do my front door! Those doors are gorgeous - thanks for the eye-candy. ~Carol
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